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[4.30 ~ 5.5] Golden Week Break

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모두들 건강하게 잘 지내고 있길 바라요..

오지 않을 것 같던 봄이 올해도 왔고 꽃들이 피고 있어요.

이제 곧 5월이네요.

5월엔 휴일이 많아서 4월 30일부터 5월 5일까지 짧은 휴식을 하려 합니다.

휴식 기간동안 모든 업무는 중단되며 5월 6일부터 업무를 시작하겠습니다.

언제나 이해해주셔서 감사합니다.

모두들 부디 건강하고 행복하게 지내길 바라요..


Hope you all are staying well..

Spring has come and flowers are blooming.

May is coming..

Starting from April 30th, there are several holidays here.

April 30 - Buddha's Birthday

May 1 - Labor Day

May 5 - Children's Day

we are going to take a break from April 30 to May 5.

Shipping and supporting would not be available during that time.

We would take orders however orders would be processed after May 6.

We do appreciate your understanding.

Please take care and hope you have a great day.


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